Feeling Thrifty

Game station keeping me rolling over this week, Its crazy how much good game Game Cube stuff they have had in store, Here We have MARIO KART DOUBLE DASH with the Zelda collection disc inside, Mario kart was £2.99
Here is the CEX rundown for both disc's
 I Ended up selling Mario and keeping the Zelda disc then I can print myself out the front cover and that's £9 in the bank!
I also picked up digimon world 4 that day, Ended up been a right stake out the guy in front of me in the Que was trading loads of stuff in and i saw Digimon world 4 on the top of the pile, I waited around until he a done trading and bagged it for £2.99 not bad bit of eBay fodder.

The condition can make or break the value of an item and even when every thing looks OK until that item has been tested you can never be sure in most cases when you find a rare sort after item Its will be like new stuff like that always gets looked after and then you get stuff like the GTA's that gets played all the time that are nearly always beat up, So always check the disc's before buying!
Plus testing the item give you chance to have a go on the game and may provided 5-10 minutes entertainment. 

Too cheap to pass up!
I found resident evil on game cube last night 99p I sold it today for £3 at cex, 99p seems like a good price for a game but some times you end up in a situation where the games dont have a lot of money in them But the price is so cheap you cant put them back down,
Tobal No1 49p, gran turismo 69p, Panza dragoon 49p, Because I got a great deal on all them pick ups it got me thinking, suppose there was a scale in witch to test how good a bargain you got, like how good the game and how low the price is? Alou me to run you though some Charts...
 I think this is what am shooting for next, To find the best Game for under £1, I do remember finding ICO for a £1 once it will be hard to top that but you never know what you can come across out in the wild.



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